Monday, July 12, 2010

"Listen Dad, you ain't no octopus"

-Jiries junior

Postcards galore!

Today it is so hot out we can't do anything but lay around on couches and wallow in the heat. Yesterday we went to the Mediterranean Sea. It wasn't as hot as the last time Jiries and I went, hamdallah (thank God). Jiries junior got stung by a jellyfish and really badly sunburned. Jiries senior scared away other beachgoers away with his missing front tooth (it got knocked out when Maureen, Jiries, and I beat him up- that's what he likes to tell everyone). The water felt great under the hot sun! I am still covered in horrendous bug bites though. All the cortizone in the world doesn't seem to work. The saltwater helped for a few minutes but then I was itchy all over again, but at least I wasn't stung. I love the beach!

A Muslim family.............

Jiries can do some sweet tricks with these sticks

On the way to the beach we drove past Beit Jebreen, which I wrote about last time we went to the Mediterranean Sea, but this time I got pictures. It is a small Arab town that was totally demolished by Israel in 1947, and nothing has been built over it since. All of its inhabitants fled to refugee camps in other parts of the West Bank or in the surrounding countries.
There was once a village here:

Last night we watched the World Cup Final (WOOO SPAIN!!!!) at Ush Gharab, the community center I always write about. I took some pictures so you can get a better understanding of how many people enjoy this center (it was this full for EVERY game) and how devestating it will be if the Israelis demolish it.

This morning we cut down the grapes from the vines outside. Some of them were totally ant or fungus infested, which was disgusting, but others were really good.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alli- Dan emailed me about your travels! Looking forward to all you're learning... especially about authentic conflict resolution!
